"The Ice Princess"

Ice Princess

By Begin Again

October 7, 2009

Begin Again.
Contact Information
To Be Provided Upon Request

Honoria Ravena
Breathless Press

Dear Ms. Ravena:

Is “bad boy” Max Saladino capable of true love or is passion his motive for pursuing the Ice Princess?  In desperation, will Reilly O’Neal accept help from the man who shattered her dreams?


“The Ice Princess”, a completed 10,000-word romantic suspense novella, answers those questions and much more. Dramatic and sensual, the story thrives on the roller coaster emotions of a high-powered criminal lawyer and a rogue cop.

Unsuccessful at love, the Ice Princess has justly earned the title, but crumbles when personal tragedy knocks on her door.


Officer Saladino faces life in person for a crime he didn’t commit. His employer and possibly his worst enemy have chosen his college sweetheart to represent him. Battling against his libido and a guilty verdict, he’s forced to place his future at her mercy.


Add to the mix a disgruntled ex-husband with a ferocious gambling habit, a serial killer, a kidnapping, some sizzling fireworks and the reader will be clamoring for more.


I am considering a sequel featuring the “Ice Princess” and “Bad Boy” Max.  In addition, I have written and completed Jaded, a psychotic suspense novella, and co-authored The Journey, a 120,000-word young adult romance novel, plus numerous short stories and poems. 


My writing history consists of decades of story writing, assisting college students with their essays, and editing/writing the Bereaved Parents Newsletter, using personal experiences and those of others.


I am grateful for this opportunity and sincerely hope that you will find merit in my submission.





 Begin Again

Chapter 1
A Mother's Fear

By Begin Again


            Tues. Dec. 22, 2009           

- Human bones found in desert -


New Mexico authorities released information regarding the gruesome discovery of two bodies uncovered by construction workers in a 45-acre housing development. Both victims, buried in shallow graves, were female and under the age of twelve.

* * * * * * *

Popping two pieces of wheat bread into the toaster, Reilly punched in Hanna's telephone number and waited for her to answer. Nibbling the inside of her lower lip, she read the gruesome murder details. She'd represented some sick bastards, but never anyone who murdered innocent children.

"Hanna, have you seen the Herald?" She tossed the newspaper on the counter, buttering her toast as she spoke. "They found two more bodies."

"Dios mio, mis bebes dulce." Upset, Hanna slipped into Spanish. "My sweet babies. What kind of monster does these horrible things?"

"I don't know. But as long as he's out there, everyone is going to be terrified, including me." She shivered. "After I wrap up this case, I think I'll take Macy on a vacation, far from this lunatic."

"It would be good for both of you." Hanna was one of God's angels. From the moment she answered Reilly's babysitting ad, they'd been family. Hanna loved Macy as if she were her own grandchild.

"I know, I know. I'm really going to do it this time." She'd planned several vacations, but at the last minute, a big case would always change those plans. "I have to be in court early. I just wanted to make sure you were picking up Macy this morning." She checked her watch, "I'll need to leave by 7:15."

"Don't you worry, honey. Give me about twenty minutes. Just have to get these tired bones up out of the chair." A soft chuckle rippled through the telephone. "Don't you be worryin' about Macy. I'll keep a close eye on her."

"That's why I love you so much. Macy and I would be lost without you."

After an ugly divorce, her ex-husband, Trent vanished except for an occasional birthday card for Macy. It wasn't easy being a high-powered lawyer and a single mother of an energetic eight-year-old. Both jobs required long, demanding hours.

"It's a two way street, honey. I'd be sittin' out back in my rockin' chair, wastin' away if I didn't have you and Macy." Sniffling, she continued, "Let me hang up so I can get over there. Love you, Rei. You tell my little princess not to keep me waitin'."

"I love you, too." She hung up the telephone. Pouring a mug of steaming coffee, she sat down at the table. A smile briefly crossed her face as she listened to Macy moving around upstairs, then she thought about those innocent dead girls and the smile disappeared.

Reilly couldn't explain it; she'd seen plenty of gruesome murders. One doesn't earn the reputation of being a man-eater in the courtroom by being squeamish. Time after time, her petite 5'2" frame stood toe to toe with Whipton's esteemed District Attorney, refusing to be intimidated. Her acquittal ratio of 95% proved her ability to fight for what she believed in. Nevertheless, Whipton's finest had no clues to this latest psycho's identity. As a mother, she was terrified.

"Mommy, Hanna's here. Will you be home early tonight?" Macy smiled, tossing her blonde curly hair away from her face, before leaning to kiss her mother's cheek.

Returning the kiss, Reilly ruffled Macy's hair. "I'll be home early. Did you think I forgot about our shopping date?"

Macy dropped her head, scuffing her tennis shoe against the floor. "Well, you have been busy and you said something about wrapping up a case."

Putting her arms around her daughter, Reilly pulled her tight against her chest. "Mommy will never be too busy for you. Don't you ever forget that!" A horn honked outside in the driveway. "Hanna's waiting. You better hurry."

"I love you, Mommy"

"I love you more, sweetheart."

"Oh almost forgot, I put my Christmas list on the refrigerator. When we're shopping, maybe I can show you some of the stuff." Blowing a kiss, she hurried toward the door. "I'm coming. Stop honking the horn." Scurrying across the sidewalk, she climbed into Hanna's old Buick.

Reilly walked over to the car and leaned through the window. "Thanks for coming early."

"No problem." Turning to Macy, she teased, "If she get's any slower though, I might leave her." Hanna's portly body jiggled with laughter.

"Oh, Hanna, you wouldn't leave me." Looking more comical than indignant, she made a face.

"You're right. I could never leave you." They called goodbye as Reilly returned to the house.

Reilly swallowed the last bite of toast and emptied her coffee cup. She had an
8 o'clock appointment with Max Saladino, a SWAT team officer accused of shooting an unarmed man. She'd been representing him for three months, but their personal history went back fourteen years. As teenagers in college, they'd fallen in love but he'd broken her heart. She'd never forgotten the love they shared nor had she forgiven him.


Chapter 2
Setting the Rules

By Begin Again


Three months ago, Reilly looked up from her desk to find Max's 6'1", muscular frame filling the doorway. She thought it impossible, but he looked sexier than she remembered. Old memories rushed to taunt her, leaving her flushed and speechless. A surly smile twisted his lips while his cold, steel blue eyes locked on her. When he spoke, icicles formed on every word.

"So what do you know, the girl next door grew up to be the famous Ice Princess. All the lawyers in this town and I end up with you." If he had physically slapped her face, the sting couldn't have hurt more.

The water cooler gossip hounds referred to her as the Ice Princess, not merely because of her courtroom demeanor, but because of her refusal to date any available male. Her personal life consisted of Macy and that's how she wanted it.

"Max ... It's been a long time." To the unsuspecting onlooker, her face was an unemotional mask. Her college professor once told her "never let them see you sweat" and she'd mastered the trait. "So you're the hotshot I'm expected to save."

"Once a bad boy, always a bad boy, I guess.  You, on the other hand, appear to have perfected the art of chopping men off at their knees." His stony expression didn't waver.

If he expected her to flinch from his bitterness, he was a fool. Her cool courtroom face disguised the emotional turmoil raging through her veins. His eyes drifted lazily across her, lingering over her well-endowed chest. She pretended not to notice.

"Sit down, Max." She indicated a chair by her desk. Needing to compose herself, she skimmed through some papers, pretending to search for something. She hadn't heard him move, but suddenly he leaned dangerously close to her face. The musky scent of his cologne drifted under her nose. When his lips brushed across her cheek, she jerked away. She could feel the heat in her face. A low chuckle escaped his lips.

"Hmmm ... appears as if the Ice Princess might have a weakness, after all." Having made his point, he reclaimed his chair and waited.

"Let's get something straight between us, Max. You need an excellent lawyer and I'm the best in this town. My boss wants me to represent you, and like it or not, that's what I'm expected to do. As for our past, it's a closed chapter. Do I make myself clear?"

A lazy smile touched his lips, "I place my body in your very capable hands." His play on words stirred memories she preferred to leave forgotten. She knew he was toying with her, so she resisted a sharp retort.

"It's my responsibility to convince twelve jurors that you're innocent. That's going to be a full-time job. If you're looking for your next conquest, it's not here. Do you understand?"

"Whatever you say, Princess."

"You can drop the sarcasm, too. Unless you want to spend the rest of your life in prison, we have a big job ahead of us. You're a client and nothing else. I work hard for my clients and I don't like to lose. Though seeing you in prison garb might just make my heart sing." It was her turn to smile.

Their eyes locked briefly, before Reilly started firing questions at him. The high-powered criminal lawyer was back in control.

Chapter 3
Flashback! Remembering When

By Begin Again

Warning: The author has noted that this contains strong sexual content.


In the past fourteen years, Reilly occasionally found her memory slipping back to the past, but every time it did, she would emphatically slam the door closed. She'd never spoken to Max again until now.

Charles Saladino, better known as Max, had been the forbidden boy next door when Reilly was blossoming from tomboy to ravishing blonde.

The summer she met him, he was just another hormone-raging nineteen-year-old boy. Rumor had it he'd sampled every willing girl in town. Peering from behind her bedroom curtains, she watched him and his friends race their motorcycles up and down the street while her dad stood on the front porch yelling and shaking his fist, "Hoodlums! No good hoodlums."

One day while walking home from college, Max and his motorcycle buddies cruised by her. While her heart throbbed in her throat, she pretended not to notice them. When she ignored the wolf whistles, Max stopped his motorcycle directly in front of her. He smiled, irresistibly. "Your chariot awaits, my lady."

Those smoldering eyes dared her to take a spin on his motorcycle. From almost the moment she pressed against his back and wrapped her arms around him, she knew she was in love. During the next six months, every second she could steal, they were together. To an eighteen-year-old's heart, he was heaven.

During the Christmas break, Max rented a motel room and introduced her to the art of lovemaking. He took his time, gently teasing her body with soft butterfly kisses. His lips nuzzled her throat, moving down to her breasts, his tongue lashing at her nipples until they were like hard pebbles. He licked and sucked, sending shockwaves of pleasure through her body. She begged for more and more. Much later, while the warm shower massaged her most tender parts, she still wanted more.

After her first taste of his manhood, she was insatiable. The break was a whirlwind of sexual encounters wherever and whenever they could steal time alone. Reilly was on top of the world. She'd fallen in love. Every day, she fell a little harder.  Max was her future!

On the last day of holiday break, they lay side by side in bed, their bodies depleted. Max appeared nervous, even distracted. He made love to her, but the passion was missing.

"Max, what's up? Is something wrong?"

Propped against the headboard, he drew in a deep breath, slowly letting it escape. "It's not important. Let's talk about it later."

"No, tell me now. You're driving me crazy." Jumping up, she knelt on the bed beside him, leaning close to his face, "I love you, Max. I've never told another guy that, but you're different."

"Yeah, well, you aren't half-bad yourself." He reached for her, pulling her down on top of him. She could feel him pulsing against her stomach. His lips nuzzled her throat.

"Hmmm ... are you going to tell me what's wrong?" She snuggled closer, enjoying the electric shockwaves flowing through her traitorous body.

"Nothing's wrong from where I'm laying." His hands were slowing massaging her back, moving lower and lower.

Reilly pulled away and sat on the edge of the bed, as far away from him as possible. "You aren't getting off that easy. Now tell me what's going on."

They sat there, staring at each other. The only sound was their breathing. Finally, Max blurted, "I joined the Army."

"You're kidding me, right?" The heat coursing through her body turned to ice water. She glared at him, waiting for the punch line and the deep thunderous laughter she loved while fear gnawed at her stomach.

"No, really, I enlisted. I leave in two weeks."

"But ... but what about school?" It wasn't what she wanted to ask. She wanted to know what about them, their future. She wanted him to make it right. She wanted this awful feeling to go away.

"There's no way I'm going to graduate. Pops told me to get a job or get out."

"I'm sure he didn't mean it." She kept hoping this was a joke, a terrible stupid joke. "And if he did, you can get a job. We can still be together."

"Get real! Who's going to hire me? Besides, I aced the entrance exam. The recruiter said I was Army material." 

"Of course he did. That's his job." The bile in her mouth tasted awful, but the pain growing in her heart was much worse. Suddenly, everything that had felt beautiful, now felt dirty. She'd been a fool, believing he loved her.

She slid off the bed, turning her back to him while she slipped into her jeans and t-shirt. Crying wasn't an option. She wouldn't give him that satisfaction. Her heart was shattered and she wanted to strike back, to hurt him too.

"Well, it's been fun. Your pathetic attempts at sex were getting boring anyhow.
Trent's been begging me for weeks to dump you. So go ahead, play soldier boy. See if I care!" Without giving him the opportunity to explain, she walked out, quietly closing the door behind her. She didn’t shed a single tear until she was several blocks away. Then the sobs racked her body for hours.

In the next eight years, she married
Trent, had a baby, realized her mistake and filed for divorce. Men weren't necessary in her life. Her heart belonged to Macy.

Chapter 4
Gasping for Air - Why Me?

By Begin Again

Warning: The author has noted that this contains strong sexual content.


Stepping out of the shower, Trent stood in the tiny bathroom, dripping water on the floor. The small sink counter top overflowed with a menagerie of bottles and jars. Dirty clothes lay piled in the corner. Spying a towel in the stack of soiled clothes, he picked it up and towel-dried his hair before wrapping it around his waist. He wiped the steam from the mirror and stared at his reflection. Running his hand across the dark stubble on his face, he debated whether to shave.

"Well, Trent, my man, it comes down to sex with Sherrie or a beer with the remote. The way I see it, that's a no brainer." Chuckling, he rummaged through the bottles of lotions and colognes looking for a stray razor. Finding one that looked useable, he lathered his face and shaved.

"Smooth as a baby's butt." Slapping aftershave on his face, he ran a comb through his hair and admired his reflection. "Lookin' good."

After Reilly divorced him, his life slid downhill. His career as a stock market analyst plummeted with the market crash. His lifestyle of gambling and fast women remained intact until his "nest egg" finally ran out. In desperation, he sold his BMW to pay off gambling debts, only to turn around and make more. Old friends suddenly turned their heads, not recognizing him. A two-room apartment, not much bigger than a cardboard box, replaced the state-of-the-art bachelor pad. Hitting rock bottom, he sat in a corner bar, drowning his sorrows, when Sherrie plopped down beside him. She stroked his ego, or maybe it was his manhood, until he took her home with him.

Streetwise and able to turn a quick trick, Sherrie made enough money to put a meager meal on their table and buy her favorite bottles of wine.
Trent's worthless job at the cafe paid the rent. Yesterday, he was fired, but he hadn't told her yet.

Sherrie stretched her long, lanky body across the bed. The steamy romance novel she'd been reading made her blood run hot and she needed her man. She moved her hand back and forth between her thighs.

Trent, honey, how long you planning on keeping a lady waiting?" Her voice oozed like honey.

The bathroom door opened, letting the steam escape. He stood in the doorway wearing only the towel. His muscles rippled across his chest. A failure by most accounts, his boyish grin and muscular physique still demanded a second glance by most women, Sherrie included.

She moved cat-like across the room, stopping mere inches from him. He felt her warm breath against his damp skin. Her fingers touched his cheek, tracing the outline of his lips with her fingertips, and then, moving slowly across his chest, continuing down toward the towel. Slipping her fingers under the towel, she caressed his naked skin, purposely ignoring his erection. His hands grasped her head, twisting her vibrant red locks between his fingers. Kneeling, she removed the towel with her teeth, placing her hands on the back of his bare legs. Her lizard-like tongue flicked his manhood, teasing him, reveling in her power. His ragged breath filled the room.

Unable to bear the torture any longer, he pulled her to him, his mouth latching on to her breast. Sliding his hands under her tight bottom, he lifted her. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he slowly slid into her. She was warm and soft. Turning, he put her back against the wall and began to pump, harder and harder until she screamed in ecstasy. Like a bomb detonating, he exploded inside her.

Depleted for the moment, he carried her across the room, laying her gently on the bed. He was a jerk in many ways, but he knew how to treat a woman until they were both satisfied. Slowly he started kissing, licking, sucking every inch of her body until she moaned, begging him to take her. He plunged into her again and again until they simultaneously climaxed together. She screamed in wild abandon as he continued to pump into her, finally collapsing in exhaustion. For several minutes, they both lay limp across the bed, satisfied.

Brushing her forehead with a kiss,
Trent reached for the remote, turning on the television. Sitting on the bed, he lit a cigarette, taking a long drag before blowing out the smoke. He was more relaxed than he'd been in a long while. The sex had definitely been good.

Daydreaming, he jumped when the telephone rang. Irritated by the unwelcome disturbance, he grabbed the receiver and snarled, "Hello!"

He quickly followed the abrupt hello with an apology. "Oh, Shaker, sorry man, I didn't know it was you. Me and the woman were just getting it on and well, you know."

"You're into me for 10 big ones, my man. Cause we been friends for a long time, I'm delivering this message personally." Shaker was hard-core. He was climbing the ladder fast and being easy on people wasn't his style. There wasn't any proof, but the street said he'd knocked off two people for falling behind on payments. "I'm going to extend you the courtesy of living until Friday. I expect the 10 you owe me plus another thousand in interest. Am I making myself clear?"

"Shake, can't you cut me some slack? I can't get my hands on that kind of money, right now."

"That's your problem. You've got till Friday."

The line went dead and
Trent hung up the phone, visibly shaken. He lit another cigarette, smoking it in silence before grinding the butt in the ashtray. Beads of sweat dotted his forehead.  

The Early Morning News was on the television. Pictures of the courthouse and Max flashed across the screen as the reporter verified that the jury would be announcing the verdict this morning. Footage of Reilly talking on the courthouse steps caught
Trent's attention.

"Look at that bitch. She's got everything, money, a fancy house, high-powered friends. Things that were mine. I am living like yesterday's trash." Reilly's success and his failures always ate at him, but today, he couldn't control his anger. Jumping off the bed, he threw the table lamp across the room. It crashed into the wall, shattering into pieces. He was acting like a cornered bull, snorting through his nostrils, stomping the ground, waiting to gore his opponent. "I deserve some of that dough. Why should she have everything?"

Sherrie tiptoed up behind him and began massaging his shoulders, trying to ease his tension.

"You okay, honey?" Tugging gently on his arm, she coaxed him back toward the bed. "What's got you all riled up?"

Trent's shoulders sagged as he dropped to the edge of the bed, overwhelmed and scared. "I'm a walking dead man. Shaker wants his money by Friday or else."

"My God, you don't have that kind of dough. Can you get it from your ex-wife?"

"Haven't talked to her in six years or seen the kid. Besides, we didn't part on friendly terms. She'd probably rather see me dead then give me money."

She didn't answer; her eyes remained glued to the television screen. Footage of the discovery of the little girls' bodies played while a reporter explained that authorities believed a serial killer, preying on young girls, was at large.

"Bet those families would pay plenty to get their daughters back alive."

Preoccupied with his own thoughts,
Trent didn't hear her.

Chapter 5
(5) Waiting! (6) The Verdict

By Begin Again

Chapter 5


Walking into her office at 7:55 A.M., Reilly was surprised to see Max sitting in her desk chair, casually flipping through a magazine. He looked so handsome in his navy blue three-piece tailored suit. She'd finished her summation four days ago; the sequestered jury deliberated until reaching a verdict late last night. At 9:30 pm, she'd received the call from the courthouse. Nightmares of Max behind bars plagued her until morning.

Something about this case nagged at her. She couldn't understand why the Commissioner and the District Attorney were so anxious to prosecute one of their own. Max's door-busting attitude had earned him several Medals of Honor, but now, he was standing trial for killing an unarmed man. Where were his loyal teammates, his partners who swore to watch his back? They'd left him standing accused, alone, except for Cappy, the Chief of Police.

She was confident she'd done her best, but was it enough? If the jury believed the evidence, Whipton's corrupt police department would undergo a major shakeup and Max would be a free man. If not? She refused to think about that!

It had been a difficult case. At one point, they'd almost given up on finding any leads to prove his innocence. The turning point had been finding "Dirty Harry", a 34-year-old ex-marine who walked the streets by day and haunted back alleys by night. Despite the mutual military background, he had resisted helping her and Max. Thankfully, in the end, he provided them with priceless information.

His military background plus his distrust of authorities prompted Harry to meticulously document everything. His filthy demeanor offered him freedom to roam undetected in places that an average citizen couldn't. Of course, he'd written his daily journals on any scrap of paper he could forage that day. Armed with gloves, air freshener, determination, and Max, she scoured every piece of paper, uncovering a nest of corruption within the police department.

The day her "star witness" walked into the courtroom was the highlight of the trial. Dressed in one of Max's tailored suits, she wouldn't have recognized him except for his brown eyes, furtively scanning the courtroom searching for something, anything. Today, they'd know if his testimony had been enough to sway the jury.

"Good morning, Max. Sleep okay last night?"

"Good morning, Gorgeous. Guess it's party time, huh?"

"Max, your life is hanging in the balance. How can you be so flippant?" Every nerve in her body was short-circuiting. How could he remain so cool? After all, she was the "ice princess" with the reputation of never letting them see her sweat, but she was sweating.

Rising from her chair, he towered over her. His blood ran hot every time he was near her. He wanted her but only if she wanted him the same way. He knew she never understood why he joined the army, but she'd never given him a chance to explain either. They were both stubborn and that trait had cost them their love.

"How about a kiss for good luck?" He smiled, making her face flush. It was obvious he hoped to make her his conquest, but she wasn't ready for that yet.  In the past few months, she'd softened toward him, but she wasn't ready to give her heart away.

"We've traveled that road, Max. You're still that testosterone driven male, but I've moved on."

"I don't believe it. I can feel the heat simmering in your veins every time I'm near you. Yeah, you're a mule-headed woman, but I know the wildcat under that icy exterior."

"You've been watching too many cop stories with their fairytale endings. Macho man gets the girl. It's not happening. Not with this girl." She tried to circle her desk, returning their conversation to today's verdict. "Are you ready for this?"

"Honey, I've been ready for this all my life." Seizing her in his arms, like a vise, pinning her to his chest, he whispered against her hair, "You couldn't have forgotten how good it was." Bending his head, he brushed his mouth softly across hers. His tongue teased her until her lips parted. Every kiss claimed another tiny piece of her heart. His scent, his tongue's probing, his warmth begged her to surrender to him, melt into his arms.

His manhood throbbed against her leg, urging her to accept its pleasure. Reilly struggled to regain her composure. Her legs were weak and wobbly, putty in the master's hands. He was opening Pandora's Box and she couldn't stop him. Her traitorous body refused to listen to her brain's commands.

The shrill ringing of the telephone shattered the spell and Reilly pushed him away from her. Her heart was beating wildly. She took a step backwards, putting space between them before answering the phone.

"Reilly speaking." She listened attentively to the voice on the other end and then ended the conversation. The taste of fear was foreign to her mouth, but she recognized it. She looked at Max, their eyes connected and held each other for a moment. "They're ready for us."

A sigh escaped his lips, the first sign of nervousness all morning. "Regardless of what happens in that courtroom today, you've done your job. Don't second-guess yourself, Rei. You did more than anyone else would have ever done. I'm proud of you." His hand reached out and squeezed her arm, not seductively, just offering reassurance. "Now let's go see what they have to say."

Chapter 6


Hundreds of spectators jammed into the courtroom. Reporters and camera crews clamored for positions. Max and Reilly sat at the table, neither saying a word. Smiling in Reilly's direction, the District Attorney appeared to be quite confident of the jury's verdict. She responded with a confident smile, one she wasn't sure was real.

The bailiff entered the courtroom from the judge's chambers and a silence fell over the courtroom. "All rise and remain standing." Everyone stood, stretching his or her neck, not wanting to miss anything.

The judge dressed in his ebony black robe climbed the two stairs and sat behind the podium, scanning the crowd. The bailiff continued, "Hear ye! Hear ye! The District Court of Cowley County, New Mexico is now in session with the Honorable Judge George Stanton residing. All persons having business before this court draw nigh and give attention to the Court now sitting."

The judge pounded the gavel and the bailiff announced, "Be seated."

The jury slowly filed into the courtroom, taking their seats. Reilly watched each juror as they enter the jury box, searching for any sign of their decision. Looking out of the corner of her eye, she could see Max, hands clasped loosely on the table, staring straight ahead. Her heart was starting to pound. The Ice Princess was afraid.

"Has the jury reached a unanimous decision in the case of the State of New Mexico versus Charles Saladino, otherwise known as Max Saladino?"

"Yes, your Honor, we have."

The bailiff retrieved the paper from the jury foreman, delivering it to the judge. After reading it, he lifted his eyes to look at Max before speaking, "Will the defendant rise, please."

Max and Reilly pushed their chairs away from the table and stood facing the jury. Every eye locked on Max. A whisper of expectation rippled across the courtroom and the judge pounded his gavel. "Silence in the court."

His long-time friend and avid supporter, Police Chief Cappy O'Donnell stood at the back of the room, against the wall, his face cast in stone, waiting for the verdict.

On the other side, buzzing like bees, several cops that Dirty Harry's testimony indicated were corrupt, frowned. The verdict could mean as much to them as it would to Max.

The Bailiff polled the jury, asking each individual juror by name if he or she agreed with the final verdict. Satisfied that the decision was unanimous, he continued, "Jury Foreman, how say you."

"We, the jury, find Charles "Max" Saladino, not guilty of all charges." Pandemonium broke loose in the courtroom.

Reilly felt her poker face burst into a smile. Max hugged her tight against him, whispering, "Thank you, thank you" in her ear.

The judge pounded his gavel. "Charles "Max" Saladino, you have been found innocent of all charges by a jury of your peers. This court declares the verdict of not guilty to be correct. You are free to go. Case dismissed." Cameras and flashbulbs snapped and popped everywhere. Reporters called questions from the sidelines. Reilly and Max were oblivious to it all. Tomorrow, they'd see their picture, clinging to each other, plastered on the front page of the Whipton Herald, but for now, they could only see each other.

Reilly turned to shake the District Attorney's hand, but he was charging out of the courtroom. She couldn't blame him. The entire legal system was about to suffer a mighty blow with all the corruption information they had gathered. He would have to prosecute his friends.

"Come on, Reilly. Let's go find some place to celebrate." They pushed through the clamoring crowd, escaping out a backdoor. Savvy reporters waited as they emerged into the sunlight, pushing microphones into their faces. After a few brief comments to satisfy them, they hurried to the curb, catching a taxi.

Chapter 7
Chapters 7 - 8 - 9

By Begin Again

Warning: The author has noted that this contains strong sexual content.



Chapter 7


Sitting in the rear of Hayden's, a quiet neighborhood bar, Reilly and Max polished off a bottle of wine, celebrating the verdict and unwinding after the grueling weeks of trial. Max considered it an added bonus he had Reilly alone and she wasn't spitting tacks at him.

"I figured I'd find you here." Police Chief Cappy O'Donnell stood beside their table, a pleased look on his face.

"Chief ... I didn't know the blood hounds were still tracking me." The banter was easy between the two old friends. Forced to do his job, Cappy charged Max with the shooting, but he'd never considered him a suspect, not even when the Commissioner threatened to fire him. He wouldn't back down, which meant everything to Max.

"No bloodhounds, just me, Max." He extended his hand to him, "Congratulations."

"Thanks, Cappy. How'd you find me?"

"You're a creature of habit. Whenever you want to be alone, you come to Hayden's. I remember a night you were mourning Jimmy's death. You and I closed up the place. You did a lot of talking that night; I did a lot of listening." He glanced at Reilly before continuing, "Miss O'Neal, you did one hell of a fine job for my boy, here. Looks like we got our work cut out for us."

"Yeah, right!" Anger flared in Max's voice. "How quickly will the Commissioner try to bury all of it? No way he's gonna let a third of the department face charges."

"Well, the way I see it, I'm still the Police Chief and with you by my side, we oughta be able to clean house right fast." Smiling in Reilly's direction, "Miss O'Neal and you have already flushed out the rats, so now we just need to round them up."

"I need a few days to think, Cappy. Catch my breath."

"No problem, son. Take a few days, enjoy Miss O'Neal's company. When you're ready to buckle down, you know where to find me. I just don't want to let this opportunity get away from us." Nodding his head at both of them, he walked away.

"Do you think he really intends to clean up the department?" Reilly looked skeptical.

"One thing I do know, Cappy's a bulldog. When he gets a hold of something, he doesn't stop chewing until it's all gone."

"And you, what are your plans? Going back to the force or moving on again?"

"Right now, my only plans are to spend some time thanking the prettiest girl in Whipton for saving my life." He leaned forward and softly kissed her mouth, something he'd been dying to do since the first day at her office. He expected resistance. Instead, she returned the kiss, at first gently and then long and passionate. Her kiss detonated an uncontrollable desire within his loins, one that had been smouldering far too long.

Grabbing her hand, he pulled her off the bar stool, and hurried down the hallway. Reilly's high heels weren't made for a fifty-yard dash and she struggled to keep up with his pace.

"Max, stop. What are you doing?"

"Something I should have done a long time ago." Reaching his destination, a small cluttered office at the end of the hallway, he pulled her into the room and closed the door behind him, sliding the bolt closed.

"Max, are you crazy?"

"Crazy about you. The owner is a friend. He'll understand." Grabbing her, he pulled her against him, kissing her eyes, her nose, and her lips.


His lips found hers, smothering any further conversation. His tongue plunged into her mouth, savoring her sweet taste. Lifting her skirt, he pushed her against the mahogany door, grinding his hips against hers, his body pulsating against her smooth legs.

"Reilly, you're driving me insane." He nuzzled the side of her throat, kissing her softly as his lips trailed across her silk blouse, pressing against her breasts. He slowly started unbuttoning her blouse, button by button, kissing her pale ivory skin. She smelled so good and tasted better.

Suddenly, she pushed him away, struggling to break his hold on her. Seconds ago, she'd been more than willing, but now ...

"Max, it's my phone. It's Hanna's ring." Picking her purse up from where she dropped it, she pulled her cell phone from the pocket, flipping it open. Breathless, she paused before answering, "Hello."

Max leaned against the door, desperately trying to gain his composure. He wanted her more than he'd ever wanted any woman in his life. She made his blood run hotter than he dreamt possible.

"Hanna, slow down, I can't understand a word your saying. What about Macy?"

"La culpa es mia! Ella no vino a casa desde el autobus."  Hanna's sobbing rattled through the receiver.

"Hanna, English please." Reilly stammered; the phone in her hand wavered.

"She didn't come home from the bus. I can't find her.

It's my fault, if anythin' has happened to her, it's my fault."

"Hanna, listen to me. I'm sure she is fine. See if Mr. Jackson can help you walk around the neighborhood. Maybe she's playing at the park."

"Rei, somethin' terrible has happened. I know it."

"I'll be right there. I am sure there is an explanation. Maybe she stopped at a friend's house. Maybe ..." Visibly shaken, tears streamed down her face as Max remembered the morning headlines. He gently took the phone from her trembling hands.

Pulling her close to him, he spoke into the phone to Hanna, "This is Max. We'll be there in fifteen minutes, okay?" Flipping the phone closed, he hugged Reilly before they rushed out of the bar.

Chapter 8

Twenty minutes later, Reilly and Max sat in Hanna's front room trying to piece together what had happened. While on an errand, Hanna’s car had a flat tire. By the time road service arrived and changed her tire, she was thirty minutes late. She'd rushed into the house, searching everywhere for Macy. She'd hurried across the church parking lot to the bus stop and across the street to the park, calling Macy's name. Exhausted and scared, she called Reilly.

For the next forty-five minutes, Max and Reilly walked the neighborhood, stopping every person they saw, asking if they had seen Macy. It was going to be dark soon and there was no sign of the little girl.

"Reilly, I think we need to call in the police."

"Police? Do you think some one kidnapped her?” A realization hit her like a thunderbolt. “Oh dear God, those little girls they found in the desert. Do you think there’s a connection?” Tears streamed down her face. Gone was the courtroom poker face, now she was a terrified mom. Collapsing on the ground, she screamed Macy's name, pounding her fists against the dirt.

Kneeling down on the ground, he lifted her up and gently rocked her back and forth, running his hand up and down her back. "We've got to get help. I know this is killing you, but you can do it, Rei. We've got to go back to Hanna's house, call Cappy, and get the right people searching."

She knew he was right, but her legs felt like rubber. Max slid his arm around her back and lifted her to a standing position. Holding her, he walked her in the direction of Hanna's house. The last block, he scooped her into his arms, carrying her the rest of the way. Hanna stood on the porch, wringing her hands and crying. She opened the door so he could carry Rei into the house. He sat her on the couch where she curled into a fetal position, sobbing into the pillow.

Picking up the telephone, he dialed a familiar number, "Cappy, Reilly's daughter's missing. We've searched, but we've got nothing." Lowering his voice, he stepped away from Hanna and Reilly to continue his conversation. A few minutes later, he returned, "Cappy and the team will be here shortly. We're going to find her, so don't you two be getting crazy on me, okay?" He prayed he was right, but with a psychotic serial killer on the loose, he wasn't sure.

Twenty minutes later, Hanna's small home was over flowing with police officers, plain-clothes detectives, and Swat Team members. Cappy called in every available person. He notified the FBI team working on the case in
Mesa. They were sending another team.

After questioning them thoroughly, Cappy started giving instructions to his men. The FBI team arrived and began putting their equipment in place, in case they received a ransom call. They canvassed the entire neighborhood.

A second team, identical to the first, set up at Reilly's home. No one wanted to take chances of missing the ransom call. Max commandeered an unmarked car and took Reilly back to her house.

"Max, regardless of my feelings,
Trent is Macy's father. He should be notified."

"Can we call him?"

"I don't have a telephone number." Shuffling through her desk drawer, she finally pulled out an envelope. It was Macy's birthday card. "This is the last address that I have for him. I'll have to go there."

"No, you need to stay here, just in case a call comes in."

Reilly stared at the equipment and then walked away. "What if they don't call, Max? What if we don't ever find her?"

Closing her eyes, she laid her head on his chest and sobbed. "She's out there somewhere; my baby's out there, frightened and alone. We have to find her. We have to!"

"We will. I promise you, we will." He held her tight against his chest, hoping he could keep that promise. "I'm going to go see if I can find this ex-husband of yours, okay?" Lifting her chin so their eyes met, he kissed her nose. "It's going to be okay."

Chapter 9


Thirty minutes later, Max was walking up the dark, narrow stairway to Trent's third floor flat. He couldn't help but think how different this place was from Reilly's home. Finally finding the apartment, he knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" A feminine voice spoke from the other side of the door.

"Officer Saladino, ma'am. I'm looking for Trent O'Neal?"

He could hear the bolt sliding out of the lock. A tall, red head opened the door. "You got a badge?" Her eyes trailed over his body, admiring what she saw.

"No ma'am. Can't say that I do, right now. I need to find Trent O'Neal. His daughter is missing and this is his last known address."

"You say his daughter's missing? What happened?"

"It's important I tell him as soon as possible. Do you know where he is?"

"Honey, when that man disappears, he don't tell any one where he's going. If you leave your information, I'll give it to him as soon as I can find him. If he's gambling in one of those back rooms, it might be a while. Sometimes he disappears for a week."

Max shook his head. He couldn't believe someone Reilly married could stoop this low. He was glad
Trent chose to stay out of their lives. "Okay, I tried my best." Scribbling on a piece of paper Reilly's address and telephone number, he handed it to Sherrie. "I didn't catch your name."

"Sherrie." Sherrie let her eyes run up and down Max's body appreciating the eye candy.

"Ummm ... I have to get going. Be sure and give him that message as soon as you can, okay?" Wanting to get back to Reilly, he nodded to Sherrie, and then ran back down the stairway.

Chapter 10
Chapters 10 - 11

By Begin Again

Chapter 10


Wed. Dec. 23, 2009


Prominent Attorney's Daughter Missing
Feared Kidnapped

Eight-year-old Macy O'Neal was last seen Tuesday afternoon at approximately
2:35 p.m. by her school bus driver. After canvassing the neighborhood, our local team found no significant leads. The FBI requested to join our investigation. At this time, we have not made any concrete connections between the earlier murders and Macy's disappearance.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The teams worked relentlessly through the night, following every lead. 

Reilly paced the floor, waiting for someone to call, but the telephone remained silent. In the early morning hours, she succumbed to exhaustion and fell asleep in a chair. The sound of the ringing telephone jarred her awake and she raced to answer it.

A muffled voice made the demand, "We want $500,000 in small bills. Have the babysitter go to The Lock Box Station at exactly
noon tomorrow. Ask for Macy O'Neal's key at the desk. Put the money in the box and throw the key away. If anyone else brings the money or if the police are with her, you'll never see your daughter again."

"Please, I'll give you anything you want. Just don't hurt her." Reilly trembled. "Please, can I talk to her?"

"Just do as you are told." The phone went dead. The FBI agents snapped into action, hoping for a trace, but the call had been too short. The room was silent except for Reilly's sobbing.

She couldn't control her shaking hands as she dialed the bank. She stopped and dialed again. Having briefed the Bank President earlier, she only needed to confirm the kidnapper's demand of small bills and the drop time. Satisfied he understood, she replaced the receiver. The controlled "Ice Princess" was no more. Terror owned her, body and soul. She collapsed on the floor, causing a flurry of excitement.

An FBI agent, standing close by, lifted her unconscious body, placing her on the sofa. As a cautionary measure, Cappy had asked for an ambulance to be on standby outside Reilly's home. Someone summoned the paramedic.

"What happened?" Confused, she stared into a pair of dark brown eyes.

"You fainted. I've checked your vitals and everything appears to be okay. Slightly elevated blood pressure, but that's to be expected."

Reilly struggled to sit up, but fell back against the sofa pillows.

"No, don't do that. I suggest you lie still for a while. Give your body a chance to recoup." The paramedic patted her arm. "We're gonna find her and she's going to be okay. She'll need you when we do."

Reilly nodded her head, unable to speak as the tears streamed down her cheeks. ‘Max, I need you. I can’t do this without you. Please find my baby.’

With little or no sleep, he was canvassing the neighborhood, searching and questioning everyone he met.

She felt helpless, sitting and waiting. Normally, she was in charge of her court investigations, but today she was a victim, forced to wait while others searched for information. She gained a new respect for her clients, the ones that placed their lives in her hands. She'd never given their anxiety much thought; they were paying her to do whatever was necessary and she did it. ‘She must be so scared. Please God don’t let them hurt my baby, please.

Wringing her hands, she rocked back and forth, praying they’d find her soon.

Volunteers passed out flyers with a recent picture of Macy, nailing them to every available space. Teams of officers were going door to door, interviewing people, hoping for any piece of information to break the case.

Late that evening, they got their first solid lead from the pastor. The FBI and Cappy's men swarmed the church. The Crime Investigating Unit began fingerprinting the church vestibule and bathroom. They worked long into the night, searching for that one vital clue that would lead them to Macy in time.



Chapter 11



Thurs. Dec. 24, 2009

- Surveillance Tape Shows Missing Girl -

A surveillance video was discovered last night showing 8-year-old Macy O'Neal skipping across the Redeemer Lutheran Church Parking lot, shortly after getting off the school bus.

According to Chief of Police O'Donnell, the video shows the young girl talking to a man and a woman. Unfortunately, the tapes are too scratchy to make any identification. At this time, the couple is considered the last known people to see Macy.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Max and his assigned partner, Dennis, interviewed Pastor Michaels. Originally, Michaels failed to connect another incident at the church with Macy's disappearance. When shown the surveillance tape, he recognized the man in the video.


“Give it to me step by step, Pastor Michaels. Exactly the way you remember it.”  This was their first solid lead. Max wanted to make the most of it.


“I was working on Sunday’s sermon, when a man knocked on my office door.”


“What’d he look like?”


“Tall, crew cut, maybe in his thirties.  Clean-shaven. Just like the guy in the video.”


“Okay, what did he say?”


“He seemed a little nervous. Said his son had soiled his clothes and would it be okay if he changed in the bathroom.”


“Did you see anyone with him?”


“No, can’t say that I did.”


“Anything else that you remember? Anything at all?”


“No, I’m sorry. It was only a few seconds and I was busy.”


“You did fine, Pastor. Could you work with the sketch artist and get us a better picture?”


“Sure, sure.”


“As soon as you have a likeness, get that distributed to everyone.”


After the ransom call, Reilly’s house was central headquarters for the FBI.  Hanna and Reilly huddled on the couch, watching and listening to every one.  


With sketch in hand, Max raced to Reilly’s side to tell her the news.

"We've got a decent sketch of the guy."

Jumping up, she almost knocked Hanna over, "Who is he? Where is he? Do you know if he has Macy?" Questions were flying out her mouth faster than Max could answer them.

"Whoa, slow down."

"Tell me what you've got. Is it a solid lead?"

"Pastor Michaels remembers the guy coming into the church. Something about his boy needing to change clothes. The sketch artist did a rendering and they are being distributed as we speak."

"Let me see him. Are you sure he has Macy?"

"No, but he was seen with a woman talking to Macy in the parking lot. It stands to reason that he at least should know if anyone else was there."

"Can I see the picture?" Hanna peered over Reilly's arm. "Oh mi padre en el cielo. Es el hombre de la pizza." Clutching her heart, she stumbled backwards toward the sofa.

"What ... What ... Hanna, what's wrong?"

"It's the pizza driver. I see him often in the neighborhood."

"Are you sure? Do you know who he drives for?"

"No, I'm sorry. Doctor says no pizza for my clogged arteries." Hanna shook her head back and forth." I have seen him."

"Cappy, the guy works for a local pizza joint. Let's get some teams canvassing with the picture. See if someone gives him a name.”  Max smiled at Reilly. “It won’t be long now. We’ll find him.”



Chapter 12
Chapters 12 - 13 - 14

By Begin Again

Chapter 12

A tall lanky redhead stood in the shadows of the building, watching Shaker with his goons. Beads of sweat trickled down her back. Maybe she’d made a mistake telling him about the kidnapping. She’d thought he’d be proud. Instead, he'd laughed in her face.  ‘Just like Daddy, aren’t you? Thinking you got all the brains.

Trent stumbled out into the alley. His eyes were unaccustomed to the sunlight after 36 hours playing poker in a backroom. Finally, his luck had changed and he'd won big, real big. At last count, he knew he had over $20,000, enough to pay Shaker and still have a bankroll left. It felt good to tip the bartender a hundred as he gathered up his winnings. He was feeling good.

"Hey, my man, what's shaking today?" That deep rumbling voice belonged to Shaker.

Trent spun around toward the voice. Shaker and several of his goons lounged against the building. Even though he had Shaker's money, a chill ran down his spine. 'What if they wanted all the money? What if they killed me in this back alley? Who would know?'

"Shaker, I got your money. Got it right here." He started counting off bills until he held $11,000 in his hands. "Just what you asked for, $11,000." His voice trembled.

"I heard you did all right for yourself." Taking the money from
Trent, Shaker patted him on the shoulder. "Thanks. My guys wanted to rumble, but I got a soft spot for ya.” Shaker patted his chest. “My little sis might get pissed if I hurt her man.”

Trent forced a smile, but his knees felt like rubber. "We're square now, right?"

"We're square. But I need you to come along with us for awhile."

"What for?" His voice cracked. His heart raced. "You've got your money. You want more, take it all, Shaker." The wad of bills fluttered to the ground as two of Shaker's goons grabbed him. He felt a sting in his arm and then everything went black.

Shaker smiled, “You can thank me later.” 

Chapter 13

12 o'clock, Hanna wheeled the suitcase of money into the Lock Box Station. Her stubby body waddled as she approached the desk. Nervously, she looked around. She’d been told to act normal.

After obtaining the key from the desk, she searched for the correct Lock Box 181. Opening it, she shoved the suitcase in and quickly locked the box again.

Hanna wondered if the kidnapper was watching her. It made her nervous. Glancing around, she hurried out of the building to her car.

For the next two hours, nothing happened. Everyone remained at their post, waiting, watching for someone to claim the suitcase. No one went near it.

three o'clock, a teenage boy, riding a bicycle, parked in front of the station and sauntered into the building. The officer working the window watched as he strolled down the aisle toward Box 181. Taking a key from his pocket, he quickly opened the box and removed the suitcase.

“Subject has the drop.”

“Everyone hold their positions until he clears the building.”

Closing the box, the unsuspecting teenager wheeled the suitcase out of the building.

“Stop right where you are. Hands in the air.” 

The young boy looked bewildered as the officer handcuffed him and hustled him toward the squad car.

“Hey man, what’s going on? I didn’t do anything.”

“Just get in and be quiet. We’ll straighten this out downtown.

Fifteen minutes later, Max and Cappy sat in an interrogation room with the nervous young man.

"What's your name, son?"

"Mason ... Mason Williams."

"Do you know why you're here?"

"No, sir.”

Where’d you get the suitcase?”

“A lady paid me $50.00 to pick it up and take it to the Lock Box Station on 35th Street. I needed the money so I said sure."

"Who's the lady?"

"I don’t know her name. She just asked if I wanted to earn some quick cash. I told her, hell yeah."

"Do you know what's in the suitcase?"

"She said it was family heirlooms that belonged to her mother."

"Didn't you think it was strange she had you take it from one lock box to another?"

"Hell, I didn't care if she wanted me to throw it in the river. I just wanted the cash."

"What did this lady look like?"

The sketch artist started drawing the woman he described. Max and Cappy stood watching, knowing Macy’s chances of survival were getting slimmer by the minute.

"Yeah, yeah, that's her. Man, you're cool. Drawing that picture from what I told you."

Max and Cappy rushed to the table to get a look at the picture. Max stopped cold in his tracks. He recognized the face.

"That's the woman I saw at O'Neal's apartment.” Max slammed his fist against the wall. “The bastard kidnapped his own child. When I get my hands on him, I'll kill him."

"Calm down, Max. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Are you sure it's her?"

"As sure as if she was my mother."

"That's all I needed to hear."

Cappy raced from the office, yelling into the radio, ordering every available squad car to
1254 Milton Place. "Proceed with caution. A young girl's life is in danger."

Chapter 14

Waiting outside the apartment building, Reilly was out of control. Tears streamed down her face. Crazy thoughts raced through her mind. 'Oh my God, Trent, have you stooped this low, kidnapping your own daughter? Why? Why would you do this?'

Confirming that everyone was in position, Cappy gave the okay and the SWAT team stormed the apartment door. A woman's scream echoed into the street. Reilly almost fainted. She leaned against the squad car and prayed.

'Dear God, take my life. Please, just let Macy be okay. She's just a baby.'

The wait was unbearable. Finally unable to control her fear, she screamed, "Somebody, pleeeease tell me what's happening? Did they find Macy?" No one answered.

A woman officer put her arms around Reilly, trying to console her.

“What’s happening? Can’t someone tell me what’s going on?”  She pleaded for answers.

The crowd roared and Reilly’s head snapped toward the building. Max stood in the doorway with Macy in his arms. She shoved through the crowd, running toward them, crying and laughing at the same time.


"Oh baby, are you hurt? Did they hurt you, Macy?"

"No, the woman just screamed at me. I was scared, Mommy, really scared."

"I know, honey, I know."

Clinging to each other, they climbed into the squad car. Max got in on the other side as they brought Sherrie out in handcuffs. Reilly turned her head away, hiding her rage from Macy.

She forced herself to speak calmly, "Was ... was there anyone else there, Max?"

He could see the pain in her eyes, "No, only Sherrie."

Reilly wrapped Macy tightly in her arms, kissing her over and over. "Mommy loves you, baby. I'm so happy you're safe."

* * * * * * ** * * * * * * *

At the same precise moment, another team of officers raided a gambling hall on the south side of the city. Cappy had received a tip about
Trent. He had a solid alibi for the last three days. He'd beem gambling and winning for a change.





Chapter 15
Merry Christmas to All

By Begin Again

Chapter 15

After their tearful reunion, Max drove Reilly and Macy home. Mother and daughter clung to each other, alternating between tears and laughter. When exhaustion finally won the battle, he tucked the covers around both of them, checked all the doors and windows before making a stop in the kitchen. Taking Macy's Christmas list, he slipped it into his pocket and closed the door behind him.

Hours later, he returned to the house. It was very quiet. Tiptoeing down the hallway, he peeked into Reilly's bedroom. Mother and daughter were still snuggled deep beneath the covers, fast asleep.

Humming Christmas carols, he untied a Christmas tree from the top of his car. The car's trunk bulged with presents from Macy's list, graciously wrapped by the Mall's Christmas Elves. He'd bought a warm crocheted afghan to protect Hanna from the cool desert nights and an exquisite pair of diamond earrings for Reilly. He spent the next several hours decorating and playing Santa.

He recruited Hanna to cook. The aroma of turkey and pumpkin pie floated in the air, finally reaching Reilly and Macy. They hurried downstairs to discover the source of the tantalizing smells. Macy squealed with delight.

"Mommy, look, a Christmas tree and presents." Hugging Max, she squealed, "I love you. I love you. I love you."

"I love you, too." Max hugged her before letting his eyes meet Reilly.

She was crying again, but happy tears this time. Her lips formed the words, "Thank You," but her eyes said so much more.

como un pollo, pequena." Hanna laughed at everyone. "You are making such a racket I thought we had noisy chickens in the house."

"Hanna, did you see the Christmas tree and all the presents? It's so beautiful."

"Yes, little one, almost as beautiful as you."

"Oh, Hanna." Macy tightly squeezed her. "I love you."
"I love you, too. But now, I hope you are hungry, because I have a big dinner ready for you." Noisily, everyone hurried to the kitchen to help with the food. The room filled with sweet aromas, smiles and even a Christmas Carol or two.

After dinner, they all gathered around the Christmas tree. Macy bubbled with excitement. "You got me everything I wished for and more."

"You shouldn't spoil her that way. She'll expect it all the time." Reilly teased him.

"She deserved it. After all she went through."

"I don't know how to thank you."

"Hmmm ... maybe you'll think of a way." He winked at her and turned to watch Hanna open her present.

"Mommy, look. Hanna got an afghan."

"Oh, es tan bella." Hanna rubbed it against her face, smiling. "So soft and beautiful. Thank you so much."

"What did Mommy get? I wanna see..."

"Macy, don't be rude? He's certainly given us enough."

"But he said ..."

"Macy, stop ..." The little girl's lip pouted. Instantly, Reilly softened her tone, "I'm sorry, honey, but we shouldn't expect Max to have presents for everyone."

"But I do!" Handing a box with a red bow to Reilly, he beamed from ear to ear. "This one is a very special one for you."

Reilly looked embarrassed as she accepted the box, “Max, I don’t know what to say. You’ve done so much and I don’t have anything for you.”


“You gave me back my life. I couldn’t ask for anything more.”


“I did my job and we got lucky finding Dirty Harry.”


“Not every lawyer would have been so thorough in their job, especially considering…”


“Don’t go there now … it was a long time ago.”  A tear sparkled in the corner of her eye and a gentle smile touched her lips.  “All is forgiven.”


Max thought his heart would explode when he heard her say those words.  He prayed with all his heart that she really meant it.


Removing the lid from the box, she gasped. Caribbean cruise tickets lay nestled in the crinkly paper.


“OH, Max, I can’t accept this. It’s’s …”


“It’s perfect for a honeymoon. And Hanna and Macy are coming too.”




“Yeah, the captain’s a friend of mine. He’ll marry us before the cruise liner leaves the port. “


“Max …” Before she could say anything, his lips covered her mouth, and then her eyes, nose, face, throat, and he was continuing when she gently pushed him backwards.


She cleared her throat, trying to remind him of their audience, but Macy was jumping and shouting, “Yes, yes, yes."


“Gracias Senor por este dulce amor.”  Hanna made the sign of the cross on her chest, beaming from ear to ear. “Praise the lord for sweet gifts.”


 “We were young. We made mistakes.  It’s all behind us, Rei. I don’t want to lose you again.” Getting down on bended knee, he took her hand in his before speaking again, “I love you, Reilly O’Neal. Will you marry me?”


Tears were streaming down everyone’s face as they waited for her to answer, “I love you to, Max Saladino.” Kissing his lips, “You may live to regret this, but yes, I’ll marry you.”


Max grabbed her and swung her around and around while Macy and Hanna laughed and clapped with joy. Outside, Christmas Carolers were singing “Joy to the World.”  


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